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Midweek Confessions

Super quick I thought I would link up with Elizabeth for some midweek confessions.  Because 1. It is fun and 2.  I should be making a Target list right now, but instead will just wander the isles and spend way too much money (confession one, right there!)

{one, or two I guess} So this morning was Lilly's Preschool's first PTO meeting, and this lady, well she didn't attend.  Worst part, I don't even feel bad about it.  #middlechild #alwaysgetstheshaft

{three} Instead I ran errands and didn't think twice about using HOV, my +1 was my 8 month old baby..... he counts as a person, and it totally saved me like 45 minutes.

{four} On a daily basis my husband tells me he told me so about having a third kid.  It is rough.  I know right now is just chaotic because I have 2 kids at two different schools, and another who falls asleep and has to be woken up every time we get somewhere, yea that's a blast, it is just looney town over here.

{five} I may be making my life more of a hot mess, all of my own fault.  I tend to lay my head down when both my littles nap together (which has been happening almost everyday), when I could be playing catch up and actually preparing a good home made meal for dinner, this mama has been napping.  #ILoveNaps #whodoesn't


  1. Preschools have PTO?? I'd probably miss it too!!

    There's no such thing as spending too much money in Target! ;)

  2. Girl... I love napping when the baby naps... even if my baby is 13 months now! :)
