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Kitchen Organization: A Mini Kitchen Office

As a mom I feel like I spend most of my days in my kitchen.  I am always making, feeding or cleaning up a meal.  I am constantly multitasking while making dinner, trying to catch up on everything.  

Everyone has it, the "junk drawer".  A catch all for the things that have no other home.  Things that could put put away in other locations, but then would no longer be easily accessible.  Well instead of just a drawer, I have taken it a bit farther. 

My kitchen set up doesn't leave me any space for a junk drawer, so I had to utilize what I had, and make it work.

The actual piece of furniture I am using is relatively new to me, but anything but new.  It is estimated by my grandmother to be nearly 100 years old.  It has been refinished, and a piece I am so glad to have in my home. 

The top I keep clean and simple.  It holds our telephone, and then just some small seasonal decorations.  For now it is fall, but will transition to Christmas in just a week.  

Inside, I have taken full advantage of the compartments already in place.  I have also added some of my own organizational elements, all of which are from Target.

Lastly, also in my kitchen, I have 2 small drawers which I use one to hide my husbands things he just happens to leave lying around, and the other contains all of our take-out menus.

If you'd like a closer look, please head over to my YouTube channel, where I go more in-depth into what I actually keep in here.

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