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Why Time Away From Our Kids is Important.

Do I love my kids?  Of. Course.

Do I enjoy spending time with my kids?  Almost Every Minute.

Do I occasionally need a break from my kids?  Absolutely.

Last week my kids went off to their Grandparents house for four days.  I have never been separated from them for that long.  I missed them like crazy, and I wondered how and what they were doing, but I also got a much needed break.  And now that they are home I feel really good, and so refreshed.

As a stay at home mom with a husband who has a very demanding career, I feel that time to myself is non-existent.  I luckily still get about an hour and a half or naptime each day, an occasional moms night out with my wonderful friends, and grocery shopping twice a month if I am lucky.  When my husband is out of town I am expected to be on 24/7.  Even when he is home week days are hectic and weekends go by too quickly.  At that pace one can get burnt out real quick.

 I take advantage of the time I can find.  When my husband is slow at work I go off to the outlets for an afternoon during the weekend, if we are on a trip to PA, I sneak off for some time to myself while my kids eat up the time with family, and any opportunity to sleep in or take a nap I take without question!

Now that we are back together the snuggles are so loving, and the playtime is no longer feeling mundane.  I am excited to read every book, put together yet another train track, or even pull out the play dough.



  1. I bet the kids had a great time.

    Stopping by from the Tuesday Hops to say hello.
    Have a great day!

    1. Oh they had the best time, and actually made me leave my in-laws as soon as I dropped them off because they were so excited!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Anonymous4.3.12

    i know what you meaNn, about needing time away, with 6 kiddies, hubbie and I try to get that date night in, or I have a couple hours to myself. Found you on the blog hop love your blog, am now a follower.
