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Happy 5th Birthday Matthew!

Happy Birthday Matthew!!  A lot of changes have been happening over the past month leading up to his big day. 

First I finally gave up on the nap.  I decided to get him ready for a full day of school and take away his nap time.  It was an east transition, and he is really good at playing quietly while his sister (and sometimes Mommy) still nap.  I got 4 3/4 years of at least a two hour nap everyday, I call that an accomplishment!

Also we switched from a 5-point harness seat to a high backed booster.  We made this change because we got a new mini-van...(more on that later) and I wanted him to get used to a new seat before school kiss and ride starts.

We also gave him a mattress for a birthday gift, lame right?  But he really wanted to start sleeping on the top bunk of his bunk beds, but we had never bought a mattress for it.  Well he loves sleeping up there and again the transition went so well. 

We have also been preparing for Kindergarten.  3 more weeks until we enter a whole new world of real school.
For his birthday he got special cupcakes at his tball practice the night before (Thanks to his awesome new coach!)  On his actual birthday we didn't do anything real special.  We went to the Farmer's Market and had muffins for breakfast.  Then we played the rest of the day and ended with dinner, cake, and gifts.

20 Questions - Birthday Edition

1. How old are you?  Five

2. Who is your best friend? Daddy

3. What is your favorite thing to do? Building race cars

4. What is your favorite color? Blue

5. What is your favorite food? Snacks....Fruit....

6. What do you like to do with your family?  Play with them

7. What is your favorite toy?  Cars 

8. What do you want to be when you grow up? Batman

9. What makes you happy? My Daddy

10. What makes you sad? When I get hurt

11. What is your favorite TV show? How about a movie, Pixar Cars 2

12. What is your favorite book? Trash Trucks

13. What do you love to learn about? Dogs

14.  What was your favorite part of your birthday? Cake

15. Where do you like to go? Play Dates

16. Who was your teacher?  Mrs. Tuckerman and Mrs. Cecil

17. What is your favorite treat? Cake

18. What do you think about before you go to sleep? Cuddling my pets

19. If you could meet anyone famous who would you want to meet?  My buddy James

20. What was your favorite birthday present?  New 3 Cars

Happy Birthday Buddy!


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