He turns 5 years old 6 weeks before the Kindergarten cutoff. Something until recently did I think was an issue. He is a smart kid (obviously, I am his Mom of course I think that!), and he has a year of preschool under his belt, why wouldn't we send him?
Then the mid-year conference at his school came up. They suggested doing a pre-K program then sending him when he is 6. Some call this "redshirting" your child. I have read every book, every blog, every article trying to finalize my decision. As a parent I know my child best, and I am the one that is going to decide his future. I have considered sending him to pre-K, Kindergarten, Homeschooling, Private School (which was quickly shot down by my husband).
I have always worked with him at home, long before any formal schooling and continue to teach him things here at home. I have other friends going through the same situation, I seek advice from anyone possible, and spend hours and hours making lists of what we should do.
Who really knows if he is ready, I can look at every checklist, read every book, but you really don't know. Maybe holding back will help, probably not. My feeling is he will be bored out of his mind if we hold him another year. Do I worry about him going 5 days all day long, absolutely. Do I worry about him being among the youngest, yep. Would I worry if we held him, that he would be the oldest, yep.
So basically it comes down to the fact that I am a mom. I am going to worry no matter what I choose. That is part of being a good mom. Always worrying about the well being of your child, always wanting best for them.
Where we stand? We are sending him. Homeschooling still isn't completely off the table if we encounter problems. Pulling him and putting him in Pre-K if the first weeks are a disaster can be done (although I really doubt that will be the case). Whatever
My main thought is if we as parents are involved and invested in their education then they are going to succeed because they have their biggest fan routing them on.
5 months and counting until I have a Kindergartener.....that makes me want to cry!