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Homework Command Center

While the amount of homework a child brings home with is something that differs so much from class to class / school to school / child to child, I think it is a great idea to have a homework command center set up at home.  Doing this allows for your child to be set up to have a successful homework experience.  All supplies are ready, distractions become limited, and if things are organized and orderly they will be ready to work.

Today I am going to share out homework command center.

This is a bottom cabinet in our kitchen, removed from our food prep area, but centrally located to the kitchen table where the kids complete homework.  Everything they need is in their reach, and organized in a kid friendly way.

Not only are our homework supplies here, but also crafting materials the kids use regularly.

Here is a look at the space as a whole, does it always look this, no.... I occasionally have to go in and reorganize this space.  However, for the most part, since everything is contained in a bin, it really works.

In the Sterilite drawers is coloring books, paper and notebooks.  

Our homework caddy is a lifesaver.  It has anything that will be needed to complete a regular homework assignment.  Lots of sharpened pencils ready to go, crayons, markers, index cards, and glue.  I even add post it's in the event that I need to attach a quick note to an assignment for the teacher.  What's nice about this is all the compartments click together and it all gets moved together from the cabinet to the table!

Below is a list of storage items used in the space and supplies we can't live without!

Sterilite Shoe Boxes:(Click Here)

Sterilite Drawers:(Click Here)

Sterilite Stack and Carry:(Click Here)

Crayons:(Click Here)

Markers:(Click Here)

Sharpened Pencils:(Click Here)

Scissors:(Click Here)

Index Cards:(Click Here)

Glue:(Click Here)

Paper:(Click Here)

Notebooks:(Click Here)

For more info and to see inside the cabinet please watch the video below!

{Please Note:  Affiliate Links have been used in this post.  If you chose to use them for purchasing I really appreciate your support!}

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