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52 Weeks of Blogging - Week 1 - Who Am I

Today I am starting a wonderful series hosted by one of my favorite blog reads, From Mrs. To Mama

You can read more about the link up Here.

52 Weeks of Blogging With A Purpose / Week 1 - - Who I am.

 Three words, seems simple right.  Find a photo and describe who I am.  But this is anything but simple. 

I went from being a kid in high school, practically right into marriage, motherhood, housewife.  Yes it is exactly what I wanted and who I want to be, and I wouldn't change any part of my journey so far, but it does make it hard to really know who I am.  I never had time to figure that part out I guess.  

Here is what I do know.....

I am a 20ish wife, who loves her husband and best friend even more every day.

I am a mother to the three most wonderful children anyone could ask for.

I am a daughter who has amazing parents, and a sister who has a big brother and sister who have always been there for me.

I am completely Type-A everything has to be perfect, planned, and a list must be made.

I am forever grateful for the wonderful opportunity I have to stay home to raise my children.

I am the first to admit that I don't have it all together.  

I am a person who loves a good nap.

I am not afraid to say what I think or feel.  

I am a big believer in everything happening for a reason.

I am lucky.

I am thankful for the life I have.

I love life.

I am happy.

I am really happy.

** I am also a person who does not have 1 photo from the past 6 years that is just me.  It is kind of a metaphor for my life. **


  1. Stopping over from the link up. I am very type A also. :)

  2. "perfect, planned, list" - Yep! Me too ;)

  3. I totally wanted to insert a picture of JUST me, but the kids were in my lap and I said... wait.. THIS IS who I am. So I can totally relate! thank you for linking up :)
