We live in such a great area. We are far enough from the city to sometimes forget it is there (unfortunately the traffic is a reminder) but so close that driving in for Sunday Brunch is easy.
Last weekend we headed into Downtown DC to see some family and spend the morning walking the streets then stopped for a fantastic brunch. When there I sometimes secretly wished we lived downtown but 1. it would be so difficult with kids. 2. I realize that there are many negatives to living in the city, and 3. I don't have a million dollars to spend on a home (and if I did I would buy my MUCH larger million dollar home here in NoVA!)
Lilly playing on my phone, the kids sat for hours while we ate and chatted the morning away.
Matt and Kurt. We ate at an amazing restaurant and got to sit and people watch those at Eastern Market.
My amazing meal. It was SO good.
Inside Eastern Market.
It was a great day, and a great way to spend a warm sunny spring morning.